The Bindle Rag #1: The Fool
The Bindle Rag is a new online magazine that collects gems of poetry, flash fiction, short stories, essays, photographs, comic strips, and illustrations like a beachcomber scouring the intertidal zone between "high" and "low" art.
What we're looking for:
The second issue of The Bindle Rag’s theme will be ABRACADABRA. So, send us writing, poetry, and visual art that bends reality, demonstrates the mystical that exists within the mundane, and pull something special out of that top hat of yours. Writers, poets, photographers, painters, whatever your medium, you are magicians. Show was what kind of magick you’re working with. But, please, take the theme as more for inspiration than a strict, rigid requirement. All genres and styles are welcome. No labels necessary.
Please take the theme as more for inspiration than a strict, rigid requirement. All genres and styles are welcome. No labels necessary.
Poetry: 3-5 poems with a combined total of 1000 words or less
Flash fiction: 1-2 stories of 1000 words or less
Short stories: 1 story of 10k words or less
Essays & critiques: 1 work of 1,500 words or less
Comics: 1 comic of 1-9 panels on 1 page
Illustrations: 1-3 illustrations
Photographs: 3-5 photographs
What you can keep to yourself:
No AI generated artwork or writings.
No misogyny, racism, ableism, transphobia, xenophobia, or any other phobic display or -ism where it feels like you're punching down.
Pornography is art and while nudes will be considered, explicit sex acts will not. No shade, it just isn't what we're looking for here.
Last bit of logistics:
Please send all submissions to:
Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Just be sure to let us know if someone snatches your fire before we do.
Submit to each category separately.
Please include a cover letter either in your email or with your document with the name you wish to be published as. On the rest of your document, include title and page numbers without author/artist name. Here you can find the suggested standard guidelines for submissions:
Written work should be submitted as .doc or .docx files. Visual work should be submitted as .jpg, .png, or PDF.